
Gary Sandman can be found at

qa82aBoy from Jabberwocky by Karen Smith

7 thoughts on “Contact”

  1. Hi Gary,
    thanks for letting us know about the book- Lulu is not our favourite publisher as its hard/impossible to get bookshop trade terms on anything they publish. With their shipping costs we often as not have to pay more than the selling price for copies if we go direct to them.

    Hopefully we can get some via you at better terms as it sounds like a book we should have and the gathering is just weeks away our best sales opportunity.

  2. Gary,
    Are you aware of singer/songwriter Carrie Newcomer? She is either a member or attender of Bloomington Friends Meeting (Indiana), clearly self-identifies herself as a Quaker and has close ties with Quakers in Indiana and elsewhere. She tours extensively in the US and internationally. She is wonderful and you should look her up on the internet if you do not already know of her!
    David Edinger, West Richmond Friends Meeting, Richmond,IN

  3. Hi:
    I am on the Board of Fellowship of the Arts and in charge of membership. I was just entering your information in the data base.
    I appreciate your writing about Quaker artists! Do you have any information on Harold Weston, a Quaker, I believe, who was a painter and activists? I would like to research his life and write an article for Types and Shadows.

  4. Hope you enjoy my website.

    I was disappointed that your book was not well illustrated. Now, on your website, you can remedy that. Unlimited space! Full color!

    A search feature on you site would be welcome. For instance, I would like to search on “Emmy Lou Harris”…

    Do you know Dick Kelly (son of Thomas Kelly) in Vassalboro, ME? He also collects data about Quaker artists. He was a classmate of mine at Westtown.

  5. Thanks Gary for moving things forward for us all. I appreciate your work on this. Many thanks. Please add me to your list of friends..
    Peace and love to all, Anne

  6. Dear Gary,
    I purchased your e-book, Quaker Artists, but don’t see a link popping up to access it. Also, I found it through doing research on Brinton Turkle as I am currently in the process of republishing (in conjunction with the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art) the Obadiah books that you wrote about in your description of Turkle’s work. You quoted him and I’d like to find out where you found the Turkle quote in hopes I can include it in a brief bio of Turkle for these new editions. You may be pleased to know that we are republishing them from Turkle’s original watercolors so that they will be beautiful editions of his work! Blessings and peace in 2018!

    1. Hi, Rea,

      Am catching up on emails, long over due…..

      I’m afraid I don’t remember where the quote came from. I wrote the piece about 30 years ago. Probably came from one of the books in my bibliography under Turkle.

      Sorry about the delay in responding. You probably have published the book by now. Brinton was wonderful!


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